May The Lord Rejoice In His Works

rejoice god

By: Lisa Delgado

Wed, Dec 07, 2005

Rejoice God


One day as an old woman sat in her back yard alone. She was completely discouraged the love of her youth has gone. She heard a small still voice in her heart say, "Ask me".

She began to wonder why she was so lonely and sad. She felt deserted and she was distressed in spirit. Again the still small voice said, "Ask me".

She said, Lord, my husband has left me for another and now here I sit in loneliness. I thought I did everything I was supposed to do. I followed every rule of the Proverbs 31 woman. Lord, I admit at times I didn’t like her much. But even so Lord, I thought I was doing what was right. I fed him, I washed his clothes, I tried to remove the stains, and he never wore a wrinkled shirt. I stood beside him through good times and bad. I took care of him when he was sick; I even took on a job to help carry the burdens. Lord, "What did I do wrong?" He sits quietly in front of the television, few words spoken and me, well here I sit alone in my back yard.

"I have seen your many toils, and your sacrifices. I have collected your many tears in my bottle. I have written about you in My scroll. I created your inmost being. I wove you together in your mother’s womb. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. My thoughts of you are precious. If you would try to count them they would outnumber the grains of sand. But you did nothing. I loved your husband so much that I sent My only begotten Son for him. I took up his infirmities and carried his sorrows. I was pierced for his transgressions, I was crushed for his iniquities; and the punishment that brought peace was upon Me. By My wounds he was healed. I knew loneliness, like sheep, all have gone astray, you have all gone your own way; and I the Lord have carried the iniquity of all men. I have given him the Bread of life, I have washed his clothes in My Blood and now he is clothed in My righteousness and holiness, he wears radiant garments, they are without stain or wrinkle. I was whipped that he may be healed. And he has been justified by My Cross".

Then the Lord spoke again, you have not because you ask not; when you asked your motives were wrong. "Ask for My love and I will give it to you". My love will spill over, and bring healing to your home and you will delight in one another, and your love will knit together in strong-ties.

(Isaiah 53) (1 John 4:7) (John 3:16) (1 Peter 2:17) (Proverbs 15) (James 4) (1 Corinthians 13) (Psalm 139)

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This is some good stuff keep up the great work
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