Are Your Prayers Missing These 7 Steps For Praying Like Jesus?

praying like jesus

By: David Hopkins

Wed, Aug 06, 2009

Praying Like Jesus

If you want to know how to pray like Jesus and how praying like Jesus can improve your prayer life substantially in a way that makes sure you cover all the bases and please God, unlike the usual selfish me, me, me orientated prayers that most people are used to.

Or if you simply need to figure out how to pray and need a template to help guide you through then listen to this.

Matthew 6:9 "After this manner therefore pray ye:"

Step #1 Acknowledge Our God.

"Our Father which art in heaven,"

The Bible says that God is in heaven so by acknowledging that He is in heaven you are clear about who you are praying to.

But more important than that is the fact that Jesus gave us the right to call God our father, which He is because He takes care of our needs and protects us anyway.

Step #2 Praise Our God

"Hallowed be thy name."

By saying that Gods name is hallowed or holy you are praising and glorifying His name and putting Him on high where He deserves to be.

And of course there are plenty of other reasons in the Bible to praise Him and you may have even experienced some miracles of your own.

Step #3 Ask For His Will To Be Done In Our Lives.

"Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven."

God can do anything He loves us and knows whats best for us.

Therefore before you go telling God what you think should happen or what you think you need, do this.

Ask that His will be done in your life so He can bless other people and you at the same time and not just feed your selfish pride and desires.

Which He probably won't anyway because He doesn't like pride.

Step #4 Ask For Our Needs.

"Give us this day our daily bread."

Hey we all have needs and God knows it and takes care of them.

But sometimes you may have a need that will also benefit other people like if you need to take care of your family and you're out of work.

There's nothing wrong with asking Him to help you find a good job so you can take care of the kids, spouse or whoever in addition to yourself.

Step #5 Ask For Our Forgiveness.

"And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors."

Don't even go here if you refuse to forgive people and are the type that likes to hold grudges forever like you never did anybody wrong yourself.

The Bible is pretty clear when it comes to forgiveness if you don't forgive God won't forgive you.

And I don't think He's playing around about this one.

Step #6 Ask For Our Protection.

"And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:"

It's not God's fault when bad things happen to us but the devil is clearly trying to kill, steal and destroy us.

So it's important that we ask God to not let us fall into temptation and especially when we're recovering from something.

I don't care how good you think you are we all fall to temptation and need extra help from God.

So ask.

Step #7 Acknowledge And Confirm Your Belief In His Word.

"For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen."

It may seem like the kingdom of God system is weak because God chooses to work through stuff like meekness and humbleness.

And most people like to hold on to pride and selfishness because it feels better and you can find a million people around you to justify that position.

But those people rarely bare witness to the awesome power of God.

Now, you can say it all day long if you want but faith is evidenced by practice then and only then will you really know you believe it.

Which is important.

Because God already knew before you were born so it's not about Him.

It's about what you believe.

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Jane 18 Jan 2012

Thank you for the article its a good guide on how to blessed

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This is some good stuff keep up the great work
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