Turn Faith, Hope And Love Into Peace, Joy And Mercy

faith hope love

By: David Hopkins

Wed, Jan 11, 2012

Faith Hope Love

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity. 1 Corinthians 13:13

The More Faith In God You Get The More Peace You'll Have.

Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. Psalms 119:165.

The Bible says that faith comes by hearing the word of God and for the ones who love God's word by feeding on it everyday, the word is capable of bringing them great peace to the point of no offense.

Imagine the type of peace that allows you to avoid getting provoked into anger or sin because of some horrible unexpected event or something someone else did wrong?

Like the type of peace Jesus talked about when He preached about turning the other cheek, giving more than what's demanded of you, and going two miles with someone when they only asked you to go one. (Matt. 5:38-42).

This type of peace in life is very possible but can only be obtained from much reading, studying and meditating in the word of God.

Because the consistency of getting understanding of the word of God destroys every fear, concern or confusion you might have and allows God to grant you perfect peace. (Isa 26:7).

The bottom line is this, if you want to become a more peaceful person of God then you'll have to cut back on TV, radio and the Internet to make time to understand the word of God.

The Bible says that when your ways please God even your enemies will be at peace with you. (Pro 16:7).

The More You Hope In The Word Of God The More Joy You'll Have.

The hope of the righteous shall be gladness: but the expectation of the wicked shall perish. Proverbs 10:28.

When you gain an understanding of the word of God there comes a time when you see how opposite it is compared to the world around you.

You then become faced with questions like:

Do I really want to continue to hang around people who don't acknowledge God?

And do I really want to continue to trust in my own understanding of why things are the way they are in life?

And do I really want to continue to pursue money, bad relationships, and materialistic things?

Or should I give all that stuff up and put my trust in God and hope in His goodness, generosity, kindness and make good things pursue me.

That is to say, if you make the Lord your only hope He will bring you great joy and happiness.

The More Mercy You Show Towards Others The More Love You'll Have.

Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Matthew 5:7.

It takes humility for you to become merciful.

Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honor is humility. Proverbs 18:12.

Which means being merciful is difficult because it goes against your natural tendency to put yourself first.

It takes extra mercy to forgive someone who did you wrong.

It takes extra mercy to give more than what's required.

It takes extra mercy to go that other mile with someone.

It takes extra mercy to bless those who curse you.

It takes extra mercy to do good to those who hate you.

And it takes extra mercy to pray for those who despite-fully use and persecute you.

But Jesus said if you do these things you'll be perfect like your father in heaven is perfect. (Matt 5:48)

Because showing mercy demonstrates the act of love and love is the fulfilling of God's law.(Rom 13:8).

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There are 5 comments and 0 readers

Tj 16 Jan 2012

David, i think that is a great idea and i would be very

willing to follow a set of reading plans too...thanks

for all of your input and all the hard work you put

into this site. god bless you muchly....

Angel 15 Jan 2012

Hi david, i think it would be great if you cld so so.

and the group becomes bigger by time and the

discussions more fruitful.ive been waiting for your

comment :) i knew you wld come up with an idea. tnx and

god bless. i'm sure tj wld agree with us.

David 15 Jan 2012

Hi angel and tj, i have worked on a way to make a daily

bible reading plan for the dwogg website before, why i

haven't added it yet is probably because of my search

for a perfect plan that fits every life style, but if

you are willing to follow a set of bible reading plans

that are sent to everyone daily by email then maybe i

should introduce something that people can sign up for

to compliment the articles.

Tj 12 Jan 2012

Angel, i don't know if you saw my comment yet, but i

agree with you. it is so important to get into the

word of god daily and what better way to do it than

together. we need to help each other, and be

accountable. thanks for reaching out and asking. god

bless you. what book are you thinking about and what

day of the week should we connect concerning our study?

Angel 11 Jan 2012

I love the article. i just wanted to ask if anyone is

interested to join me, someway, we do a group bible

reading and discussions. im still finding v difficult

to do it alone. as i have a busy work schdle. but i blv

in the group spirit, we shall encourage one another, on

daily basis, then we can have a weekly discussion. what

do u think? i am so eager to learn more and more. and i

know that sharing the word of god and gathering around

it will be the way to learn more abt good life. please

let me know if that is possible. tnx

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