Who's Watching The Word Of God?

the meaning of watch and pray

By: David Hopkins

Wed, Jun 25, 2014

The Meaning Of Watch And Pray

What did Jesus mean when He said watch and pray?

Matthew 26:41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

I once read an article about that verse where someone said Jesus means for you to watch the things around you and pray about it.

Another one said watch your flesh and pray about it.

But when I meditated on this verse and some other things Jesus said I realized He said watch the word of God and pray about it.

When dealing with the subject of resisting temptation this makes more sense.

Nothing works in the kingdom of God without faith in His word.

And if you're watching the news channels on television, then you'll find plenty of negative stuff to pray about, but you'll only increase in fear and not faith in the word of God.

And that'll stop your prayers from working anyway.

Making it a complete waste of your time.

And if you think you'll be able to resist temptation simply by recognizing when you're tempted then you have another thing coming.

Like Seven Other Spirits More Wicked Than Yourself.

You have to watch and pay attention to the word of God then pray out of faith in His word.

You don't have to guess what Jesus means when you understand that Jesus' main concern is the word of God and that's all He really cares about in regards to your success.

You could argue but I would contend from my experience of reading and meditating in the Bible that this is what allows you to make judgement calls on verses like this. Luke 11:34 The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness.

In this one someone said the word "single" in that verse means "good" because Jesus went on to say "if your eye be evil".

This time as I meditated on the word "single" and looked it up in the dictionary I saw the word "focus" as one of the synonyms of the word "single", and that's when I realized exactly what Jesus said.

The light represents wisdom and wisdom is the word of God and so is the Bible.

A person receives wisdom from the eyes by looking and watching, so if you focus your eyes on the word of God your whole body will be full of wisdom.

He said "evil" because anything other than the word of God is not as good and has a level of darkness or foolishness attached to it.

And in the next verse He asks how great is that evil if you're not focused on the word of God.

The principle is very simple.

But God is not handing over information to someone who's focused on other things, you have to work by meditating and studying the Bible for more faith and understanding.

You'll remember it better when you work for it.

Watch the word of God and pray the word of God.

Anybody can do this.

This is not just for the pastors.

But how many pastors do you know telling you this?

As far as I'm concerned every single message should be about daily Bible reading for yourself.

And you should get it, and teach your kids about daily Bible reading so they can get it.

This is serious business!

Why do people still think God is playing around?

The Bible promotes daily bible reading and you should recognize this and look for it more.

John 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

Or if you do what Jesus tells you to do, by memorizing His words, then you can ask God whatever you want according to your faith, and He'll give it to you.

This is how God taught me to interpret the Bible for myself.

Someone once told me that I couldn't just make stuff up and had to make sure everything fits into context with other scriptures.

And I do.

But I'm also here to say the Holy Spirit is the key and context is often overrated.

As I demonstrated at the beginning of this article one single misunderstood word in a verse can make or break the true meaning of a scripture and throw the context in a whole different direction.

And I'm only talking about the king James version.

If we get into some of the changed words from some of the other Bible translations who knows where it'll lead you?

Probably to a bunch of articles that sound good but don't encourage you to do nothing.

Just like the devil wants.

I'd rather find out what I need to do to line up with the word of God than to know what year it was written.

Because that's not going to help me please God.

And that's not going to help you get healed.

It's all about keeping the word in your memory so it will guide your spirit.

The Bible is a life time of reading and learning.

Consider how extremely blessed we are to live in a time where we get and study the Bible so freely and easily in most countries.

Now imagine if the Bible and everything Christian was outlawed where you live.

Are you sure that you've studied enough of the word so far to hear from the Holy Spirit in dark times?

Or could you be deceived by the coming of an anti-christ?

Luke 12:37 Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.

That doesn't sound like He's talking about watching your surroundings or your flesh to me.

Read this last verse carefully and you'll realize that Jesus meant watch and pray the word of God and He's talking to everybody that will listen and not just a chosen few.

Mark 13:33-37

Jesus wants us to read the Bible everyday and help make daily bible reading a top priority for the good of the kingdom of God.

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There are 2 comments and 0 readers

David 26 Jun 2014

The answer to your question depends on you and your

situation. but in order to study your bible effectively

you must study it consistently. most likely you need to

spend less time with unbelievers and more time around

people who talk the word. maybe at church or a

christian friend. another one is to start small by

committing to reading the bible 5 minutes a day then

slowly increase as you get used to it. you could also

listen to bible cd's which can help increase your

desire to pick up the bible as well. now as far as

being effective you must learn how to look up the

meanings of unclear words and search the bible itself

for the meaning of unclear verses.

Abioye 26 Jun 2014

I want to say that the article is very rich and it has

expose the truth about waiting on god. but i have a

question and a problem. the question is how to study my

bible effectively? and the problem is how to make it


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